1.0.6 - 2/20/2001 FEATURE - Now support "SelectedMailingAddress" in the Lookup by field dialog. FEATURE - Drop down boxes added for City, State, Country, LastName, and Suffix. 1.0.5 - 2/17/2001 FIXED - Issue where gift summary fields were not updated properly on month bounds. FIXED - Issue where adding blank items to pick list caused error. FIXED - Instructions on Gift/Address Input From Web made easier to understand. FEATURE - Birthday Report allows settings change before rebuilding report. FEATURE - All string fields for a contact are now trimmed before posting. FEATURE - All "Mpd" occurrences have been replaced with "MPD". FEATURE - Crusade Account number is made visible on Contact window. FEATURE - Visual indication when Address/Phone is out of sync w/ CCC. 1.0.4 - 2/13/2001 FIXED - Checking address unknown in edit contact window now enabled "OK" button. FEATURE - Added "Contact Details" window. 1.0.3 - 2/12/2001 FIXED - Minor issue with input addresses from web. 1.0.2 - 2/9/2001 FIXED - Minor issues with setup program. Also, MDAC now installs quietly. DEV - MBCS string functions used to provide better internationalization. DEV - Many string constants made into resourcestrings to provide better localization. 1.0.1 - 1/23/2001 FIXED - Manual Gift Entry issue. FIXED - Calendar highlight issue when dragging ranges. FIXED - Text can now be selected from the top name panel in the contact window. FIXED - Magnified Address Window could be typed into. Made it read-only. FEATURE - Deal with new fields: NeverAsk, AddressUnknown, PhoneUnknown. FEATURE - Edit popup menu added to top name panel, address edit boxes, notes. 1.0.0 - 1/18/2001 FEATURE - Input Gifts From Web now checks TntMPD web site for latest updates. FEATURE - Added fields: "NeverAsk", "AddressUnknown", PhoneUnknown". 0.1.00 - 11/13/2000 Original release for TntMPD web site.