1.1.2 - 2/18/2004 * Fixed issue w/ TTntFormLX StartModal/StopModal causing unexpected z-ordering. * Fixed issue w/ DB lookup controls and closed datasets. * Improved UndoReadOnlyIfExists(). * Added WideShellExecute() and ShellOpenFile(). 1.1.1 - 1/26/2004 * Modified TntADODataSetLX to catch connection issues when opening. * Reworked ITntReconnectManager. * Updated SqlServerConnectionString() to specify ConnectionPooling. * Tweaked window flash count when clicking on non-modal form (with active modal form). * Added FirstOfYear() and LastOfYear() to TntLXUtils.pas. 1.1.0 - 1/8/2004 * Moved Buffered strings/stream from TntLXClasses to TntClasses (Tnt Unicode Controls). * Clicking on a LX form when a modal form is active causes modal form caption to flash. 1.0.8 - 12/17/2003 * Fixed CancelableThread to allow recursion. * Refactored much of TTntStringGridLXComboBox into TTntComboBoxLX_Action. * Fixed TTntFormLX so that it visually handles no themes on Windows XP better. 1.0.7 - 9/24/2003 * Renamed TDynamicCurrencyArray to TCurrencyDynArray to be more like Types.pas. * Added these functions to TntLXUtils: ForceCopyFile(), ExtractSmallIcon(), StringMatchesPatternInList(). * Fixed DbCompareString() to correctly handle loPartialKey in Options. * Added a constructor to TTntFormLX to support creating this class directly. * Added these functions to TntLXDBUtils: SafePost(), DateToSQLDateStr(), TimeToSQLDateStr(), DateTimeToSQLDateStr(), BoolToSQL(). * Fixed issue with TimeToUSTimeStr(). * Fixed memory leak with TTntList. * Fixed memory leak with TTntIntegerList.SetCommaText(). * Centered TTntCancelableForm within screen. * Added workaround code to TTntADODataSetLX to fix issue with Delphi 7's TDataSet where controls would still flicker with ControlsDisabled = True. 1.0.6 - 6/11/2003 * Fixed TTntStringGridLX where Editor was destroyed before grid. * Fixed TTntStringGridLXComboBox to set value when Style = csDropDownList. 1.0.5 - 6/7/2003 * Based RichEditLX on RichEdit 4.1 if it is available (ie. on Windows XP). * Fixed ComboLX to support Escape key when style = csSimple. * Added BeginCursor/EndCursor, IsAdmin to TntLXUtils.pas. 1.0.4 - 5/27/2003 * Corrected MDI screen flicker issues with TTntFormLX. * Fixed lookup combo box issues: NullValueKey w/ DataSource = nil, empty string = Null. * Fixed combo box issue where it wasn't refresing when column widths changed. * Added global hook to FlashMsg. * Changed ComboBoxLX to use BorderWidth in calculations. 1.0.3 - 5/21/2003 * Added TTntAdoDataSetLX to support default values and many other enhancements. 1.0.2 - 4/30/2003 * Fixed TTntFormLX: MDI merging of status bars. * Fixed TTntComboBoxLX: refresh tab widths before painting. * Fixed TTntComboBoxLX: auto select is now based on left most displayed column. * Fixed TTntComboBoxLX: window recreation issue where it didn't refresh. 1.0.1 - 4/23/2003 * Fixed memory leak with TTntComboBoxLX. * Fixed issue with selecting item on TTntDBLookupComboBox/ListBox with no DataField. * Added OnNotify event to TTntList, TTntIntegerList, TTntComponentList. * Optimized adding items to TTntComboBoxLX. * Optimized TTntDBLookupComboBoxLX. * Added ComponentToText, TextToComponent functions. 1.0.0 - 4/8/2003 * Released Tnt LX Controls.